I am Miss Hybrid, the author of this directory, which is devoted to indexing all British XXX Talent.
Profile links include adult models, web-cam girls, direct chat, TV performers on babe, milf and gilf station channels, escorts, Mistresses, Femdoms and porn stars.
There are a huge number of women that do not have their own websites, yet appear on TV channels, Adultwork, travel the country for one to one attendances or pop up at UK adult award ceremonies. I’d like to index them and include their twitter bios.
Any help to include females I have missed out will be appreciated. Please send me a DM at @misshybrid or @englishfetish. Or stop by my Miss Hybrid Forum to discuss further.
This is a not for profit venture just something I feel passionately about, especially after popular British Adult Girl Indexes such as BGAFD closed. Now, there are no one stop resources, to track current and new talent. However 99% of the talent do have twitter accounts!
Miss Hybrid xxx